Evgeny A. Novikov
University of California - San Diego, BioCircuits Institute, La Jolla, CA 92093 -0328; E-mail: [email protected]
In frame of the quantum modification of general relativity (Qmoger), supported by cosmic data (without fitting), a new physically distinguished scale is obtained. This scale indicate a mechanism of formation new particles from the background matter. At the same time that scale corresponds to the size of a small living creature.
В рамках квантовой модификации теории относительности, соответствующей космическим наблюдениям (без подгонки), получен новый физически выделенный масштаб. Этот масштаб указывает на механизм формирования новых частиц из фоновой материи. Вместе с тем, он соответствует размерам маленького организма.
Key words: quantum cosmology, scaling, living cell, qualia.
In the quantum modification of general relativity (Qmoger), in contrast with the conventional Big Bang theory, the matter (energy) is produced continuously by the vacuum. Qmoger equations [1-3] differ from the Einstein equations of general relativity by two additional terms, responsible for the production of matter. The simplest situation with production of matter is when averaged density of matter is constant: ρ=ρ₀. In Ref. 4 a more general situation is considered with w=ρc²+p=w₀ (w - density of enthalpy, p - pressure, c - speed of light). Taking into account, that averaged pressure is small, for many purposes the dust approximation (p=0) is useful. In this case, the large-scale dynamics of the universe in Qmoger theory is determined by three physical parameters: gravitational constant G, c and ρ₀. From these parameters we have unique scale:
L_{∗}=(c/((Gρ₀)^{1/2})), #1
That scale L_{∗}≈76 billion light years (bly) [2, 3] is comparable with the current size of the visible universe a₀≈46.5 bly. Qmoger equations have corresponding exact analytical solution [5, 2, 3] for the evolution of the universe, quantitatively supported by cosmic data (without fitting).
During formation of galaxies, local density of matter becomes large. New particles are synthesized and, eventually, life cells are produced. In these processes, instead of gravitational constant, the Planck constant ħ becomes important. From c, ħ and ρ₀, we now have unique scale:
l_{∗}=((ħ/(cρ₀)))^{1/4}. #2
We can rewrite (2) in the form:
l_{∗}=(ħ/(cm_{∗})), m_{∗}=ρ₀l_{∗}³. #3
So, scale l_{∗} corresponds to Compton wavelength of a particle with mass of background matter occupying volume of size l_{∗}. This can indicate a mechanism of formation new particles from background matter. At the same time, l_{∗}∼0.1mm is comparable with the size of a small living creature. This fits well in explanation of subjective experiences (qualia) in terms of interaction of background matter (in Qmoger theory) with the neuron system [6]. Indeed, background particles are ultralight (with mass m₀=ħ(cL_{∗})⁻¹≈5⋅10⁻⁶⁷gram), have tiny electric dipole moment d∼2⋅10⁻⁷²gram^{1/2}cm^{5/2}sec⁻¹ and form quantum condensate even for high temperature [2, 3]. Action potentials of neurons [7] can manipulate with such particles, create traps and coherent patterns. The huge number of degrees of freedom, necessary for qualia, is supplied by the number of particles N_{∗}=m_{∗}/m₀∼10²⁴. Besides qualia, some other mysteries of living cell could also be connected with the background quantum condensate in the Qmoger framework.
[1] E. A. Novikov, Vacuum response to cosmic stretching: accelerated universe and prevention of singularity arXiv:nlin/06080050.
[2] E. A. Novikov, Ultralight gravitons with tiny electric dipole moment are seeping from the vacuum, Modern Physics Letters A, 31, No. 15, 1650092 (5 pages) (2016).
[3] E. A. Novikov, Quantum modification of general relativity, Electr. J. Theoretical Physics, 13, No. 35, 79-90, (2016).
[4] E. A. Novikov, Isenthalpic processes in cosmology, astrophysics and at home (submitted for publication).
[5] S. G. Chefranov & E. A. Novikov, Hydrodynamical vacuum sources of dark matter self-generation without Big Bang, J. Exper. Theor. Phys., 111(5),731-743 (2010) [Zhur. Eksper. Theor. Fiz.,138(5), 830-843 (2010)]; arXiv:1012.0241v1 [gr-qc].
[6] E. A. Novikov, Gravicommunication, subjectivity and quantum entanglement, NeuroQuantology, v. 14, issue 4, 677-682 (2016).
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_potential.