Evgeny A. Novikov
University of California - San Diego, BioCircuits Institute, La Jolla, CA 92093 -0328; E-mail: [email protected]
New simple and exact analytical solutions of Einstein equations of general relativity (GR) and of Qmoger (quantum modification of GR) equations are obtained. These solutions corresponds to processes with invariant density of enthalpy (energy plus pressure). Interpretation of this solutions in terms of cosmic radiation and production of massive particles, as well as comparison with cosmic data (without fitting), are presented. It is suggested, that isenthalpic processes can be relevant also to excessive radiation from Jupiter and Saturn. Similar processes potentially can be used as a new source of energy on Earth.
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[12] In every day life we can feel that, when under pressure, a part of our "internal energy" radiates in form of negative emotions.