Новиков Евгений Алексеевич : другие произведения.

Спокойная Космология (Quiet Cosmology)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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E. A. Novikov1"Ђ, S. G. Chefranov2"Ђ
1"ЂUniversity of California - San Diego, USA; E-mail: [email protected]
2"ЂObuchov Institute for Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia; E-mail: [email protected]
A modification of general relativity equations is presented. This modification does
not introduce new fields (or miraculous events like in "Big Bang ѓy Inflation" scenario),
but takes into account the effect of spacetime stretching along with classical curvature.
The modification is especially important when global curvature is close to zero, which
is the case in our universe. Exact analytical solution of the modified equations (without
any fitting parameters) shows good quantitative agreement with cosmological
observations (SnIa, SDSS-BAO). According to this solution, our universe was born in
infinite past from small fluctuation and will continue stable expansion until Tmax about
38 billion years. In connection with this solution, it is concluded that visible universe is
surrounded by halo of ultralight dark matter particles. Mass of these particles is
The cosmological data [1,2] about accelerated expansion of the universe lead to
the well known problems, which are broadly discussed [3-11]. Particularly striking is
the problem with the cosmological constant, which turns out to be more than hundred
orders smaller than can be predicted in the frames of classical general relativity (GR).
In this letter we present twofold approach to this problem. The first informal part gives
an insight into the core of GR and direction for its modification, which takes into
account the effect of production (absorption) of particles by the vacuum. The second
part contains an exact solution of modified equations, comparison with experimental
data and new predictions.
The first part of our approach can be sketched as follows:
GR "i "ITT "i MTT"i "i MGR 1
It starts with a trivialisation of GR. It means reducing GR to a trivial or toy theory
(TT), which retain the essence of GR, but has only small number of simple factors.
After that, we look for an additional simple factor, absent in GR, add it to TT and
obtain its modification (MTT). The next step is retrivialisation of MTT, leading to
modification of general relativity (MGR), which can be tested by the data. In this way,
the most creative part of the work can be done on the level of TT without all the
complications of the full theory.
So, how we make the first step in (1) for the indicated above problem ? We know
that the vacuum creates and absorbs particles. The essential point of GR, in our
understanding, is that process of bending of such creative (busy) vacuum requires
some energy. This is especially important if we want to make a step (see below) from
classical GR towards quantum gravity. 

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