Jacqueline De Gueux : другие произведения.

Once upon a winter...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Английская идиома "скелет в шкафу" означает "личный секрет, который скрывают от всех окружающих" :))))

And here the winter comes again - cold winds and snowstorms
I hide from dark December nights in my cozy bedroom's warmth
I kindle the fire in my fireplace so cold wouldn't make me cowerer,
And share drinks with a skeleton I've kept in my cupboard

I lift my glass and so does he, they merrily clink  - chin-chin! -
And a shiny trickle of purplish wine starts dripping through his chin
He listens and nods while I do the talk, we fit as a sword and a scabbard -
Who can understand me better than him, the skeleton from my cupboard

We peacefully sit by dancing flames and drink to the frosty health
Of that brooding lonely snowman that in my backyard stands
The skeleton lounges in my rocking chair bending his spinal cord
But time to time he gives a glance to the dusty old cupboard

When our bottle is empty then it's time for the party to end,
I quench the fire and wish sweet dreams to my bony weird friend
I put him carefully back in place where I store my junk - let's guard it
And try to forget till the next blizzard comes what I have in my cupboard...

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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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