Гумилевский Геннадий Алексеевич : другие произведения.

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  Translated by Google
  "Living faith is impossible without prayer. It must be admitted that
  the idea of prayer of modern people does not express its essence.
  People think that you need to pray on holidays, and even in the
  morning, in the evening, before meals, after meals; and they do not
  know that prayer can be unquenchable, eternally warming in the depths
  of a human being. Prayer has countless forms and contents, for it
  accompanies a believer throughout his life."
  One day, I got into a conversation at a bus stop with an elderly
  woman. We talked about our problems and also about our relationship
  with God. She was somehow very calm, despite her worries of those
  days. I have often noticed this state in elderly, deeply religious
  people. Out of our entire conversation, I was surprised by her story
  about her evening prayer. The fact is that she did not have a prayer
  book, a collection of prayers, and she was worried about how correct
  her appeal to God in prayer was.
  Regretting this, she told me that she simply talks with God as with
  the One who is very close to her, in whom she loves and in whom she
  hopes. And I understood her that at this time nothing else exists for
  her, she only tells Him about her life and consults with Him about
  everything that worries her, rushing to Him with all her thoughts with
  hope and love. And her words flow easily, as if someone is helping her
  with this about the entire past day and its worries. She told Him what
  she managed to do and what didn"t turn out the way she wanted. And she
  asked Him about this, knowing that God would answer her. And she will
  wait for His answer and the help for which she asks Him. Her entire
  conversation was intertwined with words of gratitude and sometimes
  tears. This was her prayer, which left in me the memory of her warmth
  and deep trust in God. Our intimacy with God should never be
  interrupted. We must ALWAYS REMEMBER that we are connected to God by
  LOVE, His love for us and ours for Him.
  Should a husband fulfill his wife,s words?
  Two interesting notes: At the beginning of the Bible it says that the
  husband (Adam) fulfilled the words of his wife and ate the forbidden
  fruit. Adam committed a sin and lost salvation, and in the end the
  husband (Pilate) did not fulfill the words of his wife and also
  committed a sin - he handed Christ over to execution. "As he sat in
  the judgment seat, his wife sent him to say: "Do not harm the
  Righteous One, for now I have suffered much for Him in a dream"
  (Matthew 27:19).
  Therefore, the head of the family must be guided by reason and make a
  decision based on the advice of his wife, wisely. This is true? Yes,
  this is true, because the head of the family, including for the wife,
  according to the Bible, is the husband. The husband must understand
  that if what the wife says is pleasing to the Lord, then it must be
  done with gratitude for God and for the wife. But Pilate still
  understood that Christ was from God and the advice from his wife was a
  reminder to him to do what was pleasing to God. Eve, however, spoke,
  unlike Pilate;s wife, what was displeasing to God. Yes, the wife is an
  adviser. Sometimes this is a bad adviser, sometimes a good one. The
  husband must take into account his wife"s words and make decisions. He
  is responsible for these decisions. Consultation is necessary and
  beneficial: "Discord comes from arrogance, but wisdom comes from those
  who consult" (Proverbs 13:10).
  The meaning of baptism, short text.
  "Jesus was about thirty years old when he began his
  ministry" (Luke 3:23)
  "According to Jewish tradition, a man reaches responsibility and
  spiritual maturity at age 30, and only at this age can he begin to
  teach and preach. This means that in matters of faith, adult society
  did not respect or listen to the words of a person under 30 years
  of age. Thus, here too the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrates great
  humility and waits for his 30th birthday to legally begin his public
  ministry" https://dzen.ru/a/ZCPWaGzpbAqL
  Christ performed baptism as a necessary rite for believers in
  order to become priests of God for all people on earth. The Son
  of God showed people, while in the human body, an EXAMPLE
  of fulfilling baptism for SERVING believers to God and people in
  their upcoming, everyday life. Thus, baptism is a NECESSARY
  rite of dedication of a BELIEVER for Christian SERVICE to God
  and people.
  And if the Birth from Again can take place up to the age of 30,
  then baptism is intended to take place at the age of thirty and
  older, ACCORDING TO THE EXAMPLE OF Christ. Christ is an example
  for believers in everything, including at the age of
  baptism NOT earlier than THIRTY years. "Whoever says that he
  abides in Him must walk as He walked" (1John 2:6).
  The question of the Lord;s decision to be baptized at the age
  of thirty remains OPEN and here;s why: "Whoever says he abides
  in Him must DO as He DID" (1 John 2:6). Every believer who
  decides to perform baptism must FIRST repent before God!
  Only repentance before God must be performed by every believer.
  Otherwise the baptism will not be true. CONFESSION of sins to people
  and church ministers CANNOT BE CONFUSED with repentance.
  Baptism is intended only for the believer;s ministry in his life with
  people, only for the fulfillment of his upcoming priesthood. The
  Apostle Peter admonishes Christians, saying: "build yourselves
  into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood." (1 Peter 2:5). The
  priesthood designates a ministry for every believer. Repentance
  and Birth again always occur at the same time. The Holy Spirit
  carries out the Birth from above and participates in repentance,
  helps the believer, but the beginning of repentance is carried out
  by the believer himself. Baptism is also carried out by the Holy
  Spirit, but only for those who have fulfilled repentance and
  received the Birth from above.
  Of course, ministry includes bringing the Word of God to people,
  but not only, since our actions in life often tell people more than j
  ust our explanation of Bible truths. Therefore, the age of the
  believer who is baptized is of great importance when serving
  people, so people trust more adult preachers of the Word of God.
  Therefore, the question of the Lord"s decision to be baptized at
  the age of thirty remains OPEN and here"s why: "Whoever says he abides
  in Him must DO as He DID" (1 John 2:6).
  Why does God need people?
  Why did God create people and why does God need people? Here is my
  answer: FIRST reason LONELINESS is alien to God. The feeling of
  loneliness is a very sad, bad state. Apparently, therefore, at the
  beginning of all eternity, God created His Son and the Holy Spirit
  through the separation of His essence. So God never had loneliness.
  Later God created angels, and later the first people.
  The SECOND reason is the joy of CREATIVITY. I realized this when I
  worked as an engineer (designer).
  THIRST for mutual love is the THIRD reason. If we love someone, we
  always want to have love in return, that is, to be loved too. Mutual
  love brings the highest happiness: both for God and for man. And all
  this is inherent in God. Only people who love God, that is, those born
  again, can be with God in eternity. The article "You must be born
  again. The main commandment of God" speaks about this.
  Those who are born again receive the Holy Spirit from God into their
  spirit, and therefore love. The Bible states that love is the Divine
  state of man, the presence of God by His Spirit in us, the presence of
  the Holy Spirit in man. "The love of God has been poured out into our
  hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" (1 John 5:5).
  The born again are children of God who love God and their love for God
  is MUTUAL love for God, giving God joy and happiness.
  I would like to give you a human parable. This parable is about our
  lamentation and grumbling: One man came to God with a complaint that
  his cross, his fate, was too heavy...The Lord takes him to the barn,
  opens the locks, and there is a huge number of crosses - very
  different: metal, wooden, carved , big, small and says: "Choose which
  one you like." The man was delighted, chose for a long time, tried it
  on, tried it for weight, and finally brought out the thinnest and
  lightest one and joyfully shouted: "Here, this one, why didn"t you
  give it to me right away?" To which the Lord replies: "So this is your
  cross." At first I was delighted by the beautiful parable, but upon
  coming to my senses I immediately realized that this parable was about
  my entire past life. And bitter memories came and engulfed me, from
  which there was no escape and nowhere to hide...
  On the attitude of Christians towards non-believers and
  people of other faiths
  The Bible verse is very important for the relationship of Christians
  with people: "Try have peace with everyone and holiness, without
  which no one will see the Lord." (Heb. 12:14). Two questions about
  peace are addressed here: peace with everyone and peace with
  God and what it is.
  1) In the relationship of Christians to people non-believers
  and people of other faiths should be guided by the words
  Gentlemen. In Mark 9:40, the Lord says to the disciples:
  the Lord tells the disciples, "For whoever is not against you
  is for you."
  Any person who is not against me can treat me in two ways:
  either he treats me friendly or indifferent. Both in this and in
  Otherwise this person is not against me. He can be my friend
  and comrade. People may not be close to each other, but they
  are not enemies either.
  2) For God, a person who don;t need God, cannot
  be with God together. Jesus talks about this in The Gospel
  of Luke (11-23) says: "Whoever is not with Me is against Me."
  That is, a person of any other faith is responsible for the
  correct your choice in life before God. Moreover, we
  understand that no one will be condemned without hearing
  he Word of Salvation from God, including children from
  abortions. Despite all the bad things that the media gives
  to the people of the land, through them, through the mass
  publication of Bible books, through missionaries of the Word Salvation
  extends "to theends of the earth."
  God and fate
  In one of the conversations about life, my reader asked me:
  "According to my concepts, the years of life on Earth are
  determined by Fate. "CAN a person decide for himself or at
  someone else"s direction to live or die if the heart stops working?"
  ANSWER: Only God can. "Are not two little birds sold for an assar?
  And not one of them will fall to the ground without the will of your
  Father; but even the hairs of your head are all numbered"(Matth10:29-30).
   God knows everything, including the future of man according to His
  Divinity and foreknowledge. No other DIVINE exists except God. The
  word fate was invented by people when they could not understand the
  reasons for what was happening in their lives.
  Wikipedia: "Fate is the totality of all events and circumstances that
  are predetermined, the predetermination of events, actions; fate, a
  higher power that can be thought of as nature or a deity, rock, fate,
  As I understand it, this word arose during the period of paganism,
  when the sun was recognized as a deity, etc. Everyone who believes
  in fate, by their concept, denies the existence of God the Father,
  Son and Holy Spirit.
  "The main features of Slavic paganism as a worldview are considered to
  be the spiritualization of nature, cults of ancestors and supernatural
  forces, the idea of the constant presence of the latter and their
  participation in human life, developed lower mythology, the idea of the
  ability to influence the state of affairs through primitive magic.
  Foundation of the Christian Faith
  When a person does not need God, then he cannot become a believer.
  Believers build their relationship with God on the basis of love,
  not self-interest. All believers were non-believersfor some
  time, but became believers and changed their faith
  towards God. If a person realizes that he has made a mistake
  in his beliefs, then he should not be afraid to abandon them.
  To say that a person changed his beliefs because of gain
  when he became a believer is this is of course disgusting.
  So, THOSE WHO NEED God become children of God.
  This is understandable based on the earthly family, when
  children love their father. Likewise, among Christians, faith
  is not based on profit, but is the result of love for God.
  Reincarnation theory
  Gennady: I once asked a follower of the theory of reincarnation, what
  does the transmigration of souls give a person? He answered me:
  perfection. I asked: How can you tell me that I was someone else?
  He: According to individual memories: you accidentally hit your head
  against the wall and start remembering whether this happened to you
  somewhere in a past life.
  Gennady: Yes, I hit myself somehow, but I
  don"t remember anything like that in a past life, and I don"t remember
  anything about this life, maybe I need to hit myself a few more times?
  He: this is not given to everyone, but only to the gifted.
  I realized that I was not one of the gifted, but still asked again: If
  I do not have the memory of the entire past, and therefore the past
  mind, then this speaks of the death of a person, but you assure that
  the person continues to live. However, why does a person need to die
  every time in order to become better? Maybe it would be better to
  improve during life? Then may your God simply lengthen your life for
  this. He: don"t do too much philosophy, remember more, maybe you"ll
  remember something, not everyone is given this.
  Gennady: then I have one more question for you. A person can turn into
  an animal after death: a mosquito or a pig? He: yes, why not? Gennady:
  Here is a man who was a professor during his lifetime, and then he was
  reincarnated as a pig, and now he will receive more perfection?
  He: maybe a person will correct his shortcomings during his life as a
  Gennady: will being a pig help him do this? He: I don"t want to
  talk with you, because your examples are somehow bad, since a
  professor can become not only a pig, but also another animal, and he
  can also remain a human.
  Gennady: Thank you very much, I liked your last words, that the
  professor may not be a pig and will remain a man. At this point we
  Why did God give birth to the Son, but why did he not give birth to
  the Holy Spirit?!
  We have a misconception about the birth of the Son of God and the time
  of His life in the unknown former eternity, and this happens to us
  when we read the Gospel of John 3:16, where it is said that the Son of
  God is the "only begotten" Son. Much, of course, is unattainable for
  our understanding, but what is necessary for us to understand
  everything contained in the Bible is explained by this word. And we
  say that God has only one Son and that the Heavenly Father begat His
  Son. The word BIRTH explains to people the relatedness with God, but
  does not say at all that God gave birth to the Son like the birth of a
  human woman.
  It is difficult for people to understand how a father can give birth
  to a child, since a woman-mother gives birth to children. The answer
  to this is given to us by the Bible, its beginning, where it is said
  that God created woman from the rib of a man. God took part of a man's
  flesh and from that part he created another man. Nothing is impossible
  with God, and therefore we can say that this part helped the creation,
  since it contained the necessary data for this. God created His Son
  from Himself. God the Son is a part separated by God. Likewise, the
  Holy Spirit is a part separated by God from Himself. The essence of
  Everyone has its own direction in being. But all Three are separate
  Persons, united in Their actions according to the Will of the Heavenly
  The Son of God and the Holy Spirit are each God in their essence, but
  all creating according to the will of the Father. However, the Bible
  does not say that God BEGOTTEN the Holy Spirit and here is why this is
  so: God separated the Holy Spirit differently from the separation of
  the Son.
  The Son, upon separation from the Father, received His Body, Soul and
  Spirit of God. Holy Spirit upon separation from the Father received
  part of His body and part of His Soul, but God"s Spirit remained
  common with the Father and the Holy Spirit, not separate. The Son of
  God is completely separated from the Father, not only by Body and
  Soul, but also by the Spirit of God.
  The Holy Spirit, as a Person, is known to us according to the
  Scriptures by many of His actions, including these:
  1) The Spirit intercedes for believers, demonstrating independent
  activity, which means it thinks and has reason. Example: Rom.8:26,27.
  2) The Spirit gives Gifts to believers (1 Cor. 12:11), "dividing as He
  pleases," that is, according to His MIND and WILL, which He has.
  3) Has emotions, may be upset by our insults, and the Apostle calls us
  not to do this (Eph. 4:30.
  4) An unbeliever can reject the Spirit, resist Him (Acts 7:51) and
  quench Him (1 Thess. 5:19). He is offended (Heb. 10:29). He teaches,
  instructs, leads and directs, and is a COMFORTER for believers (John
  chapter 16).
  About loneliness and unrequited love.
  I once wrote down some texts on this topic from the Internet, with
  my comments. So, let's read their revelations to their loved ones:
  1. "Mistakes? We've both done plenty of them. But, tell me, are there
  really such mistakes that a truly loving heart cannot forgive?.. Soul.
  I told you that everything I did for the two of us, I invested a piece
  of my soul, energy and love. And this part remains with you. When you
  left, it was as if you took with you a part of my soul, a part of my
  heart, a part of me.
  I have come across so many different life stories in books and in
  life. So little time to live this life. I so want to be important,
  needed, to give care, affection, tenderness and warmth to my only
  loved one who will always be there and will never betray. And only
  bewilderment about why suddenly this should end at the very moment
  when it seems that I have found that very person... Believe me, I"m
  not looking for a reason to hurt you. And if you made a decision, I
  must respect it. But quite a lot of time has passed. And I just can"t
  understand why the pain doesn"t subside..."
  MY ANSWER: The pain will subside only in the upcoming meeting with HER
  in eternity with God. Then only we, having freed ourselves from the
  feelings and sensations of the previous physical body, will unite with
  our loved ones in spirit, which will bring us more joy and will
  eclipse previous experiences and their pain and previous feelings.
  Love never ends, and therefore in eternity God has no unrequited love,
  and for single human love there will be a continuation of it with God.
  Only there, who did not respond to us in love, will love us, and it
  simply cannot be otherwise.
  2. "Loneliness is when you are alone. This does not necessarily mean
  that there is no one nearby. It"s just that everything that happens
  inside you is only yours, and for some reason you cannot or do not
  want to share it with anyone. They say that a person comes into this
  world and leaves it completely alone. But is it? There is always a lot
  of medical staff in the maternity hospital. Throughout life, a person
  is surrounded by many other people. And often a person also dies
  surrounded by other people.
  Still, is loneliness good or bad? Alone, you can take a break from the
  hustle and bustle, think about your life, concentrate on reading or
  studying something, meditate, dream.
  So why do many people run away from loneliness? Because it creates a
  feeling of lack of demand, uselessness, unimportance, unfulfillment,
  isolation. And not everyone is able to overcome this feeling, because
  a person is essentially a social being. And for those who are
  accustomed to always being the center of attention, loneliness is
  tantamount to death.
  They say that a person gets used to absolutely everything. Is it
  possible to get used to loneliness? You don't need to get used to it.
  It needs to be ACCEPTED. Loneliness can be an important life stage, a
  lesson, a challenge. No, not a punishment, but a break deliberately
  given to a person so that he realizes what he has lived through,
  assimilates the experience, turning it into wisdom, and prepares for
  the next step of his destiny. And everyone has their own period.
  Someone has a day, someone has a life...
  It seems to us that there are people who never experience loneliness.
  Maybe. But we don"t know what experience they went through. Perhaps
  they have already learned their lessons and it is time for them to
  enjoy life. Or maybe they are only joyful on the outside when they are
  with friends and family, but inside there is emptiness...
  We often say that we feel lonely when a loved one passes away. We
  close ourselves off and hide all our thoughts and feelings, not
  believing that there will be someone who wants to share them with us.
  But is it? Perhaps we are replacing concepts, masking our own fear,
  shame, dissatisfaction, disappointment, jealousy, pain with
  loneliness... After all, life goes on and it is beautiful! And all the
  problems are only within us..."
  MY ANSWER: The worst, most difficult loneliness is when you want to
  talk at least a little with someone, even about nothing, but there is
  no opportunity for this, but even then loneliness is not scary if God
  is with you. "The Lord is with you when you are with Him; and if you
  seek Him, He will be found by you; if you forsake Him, He will forsake
  you" (2 Chronicles 15:2). If a person believes God and unites with God
  through His Calvary and His suffering, and understands his guilt
  before God in them, then the person"s heart will be kindled with love
  for Christ. And the person who was previously far from God will begin
  to talk to God about his life and about all the painful things. And
  THEN a person will begin to receive answers to his questions and
  requests, and then the loneliness of a person will end.
  3. I found "my" letter on the Internet, not written by me. Its title
  is: "No one can forbid loving!" I liked this letter, although it was
  written by a person I didn"t know, to a woman I didn"t know, and I
  wrote it down and corrected it a little, surprised that loving people
  have so much in common.
  "You know, I can be strong! I don"t have to write or call... I finally
  did it! If only you knew what it costs me... Now, remembering you, I
  came to that same place again. This is it in the photo. Did you find
  out? What does it mean to me? Although, I still don"t know if you
  loved me. What could be more beautiful than a spring evening with your
  beloved! But you're out there somewhere. And I'm here. They say you
  need to learn to let go.
  And this morning I went to the area where you lived before. Streets,
  market, shops. It's like everything is exactly the same. And as if it
  was a thousand years ago... But I loved you and love you! He loved as
  best he could. I've been through a lot with you. It"s as if you have
  become a part of me, my heart. And you know, no one can stop me from
  loving you! Love is an amazing feeling! And it defies instructions.
  And even if you are not with me now, I still love you and look forward
  to meeting you!
  How long will this last? I don't know. There has been a lot of joy and
  pain in my life. People, events, numbers, names came and went. But it
  was you who became the one that is very difficult for me to let go. I
  don"t want you to "pass" like all other events that remain only in
  memories... And let it be as it should be! Today my heart is filled
  with love for you. And I'm happy!
  MY ANSWER: People, take care of your love for the person you have
  chosen in your entire life, with whom you formed a family. And then,
  even when he is no longer on earth, your love will not stop and will
  always warm you, but not only with memories of the past, but also with
  thoughts and feelings in life together until the upcoming meeting now
  and in the future https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=8Tg9O_R5WHs James
  Last - The Lonely Shepherd.
  Джеймс Ласт--Одинокий пастух. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tg9O_R5WHs
  Old lady and old man. The secret to a happy marriage
  Taken from here http://emosurf.com/post/1258
  The husband and wife lived a long, happy married life. They shared all their secrets and experiences with each other, but there was only one thing the wife asked them never to do: not to look into the old shoe box that she kept on the top shelf of her closet. The husband never asked about the contents of the box. He thought there was something personal, feminine...
  But one day the old lady fell ill. When she felt really bad, she asked her husband to bring that box to her in the hospital - it was time to reveal the secret. The old man came home, found the box and brought it. Inside were two knitted dolls and a huge pile of money - 95 thousand dollars!
  - Where is this from? How? - asked the dumbfounded old man. "Before we got married," said the old lady, "my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage: every time I get angry with you, you need to sit down silently and crochet one doll." The old man was happy - there were only two dolls in the box. In 50 years of marriage, she only got angry on his behalf twice! He hugged his wife and kissed her.
  - But where did the money come from? - he was perplexed.- Oh, this? - she answered with a smile. - This is the money I earned from selling dolls.
  And this is my answer: Thank you for the parable! Of course, forgiveness is very important, but it cannot be eternal without love. Only love, that is, the presence of the Spirit of God in a person, can make forgiveness eternal. A marriage can only become happy when the marriage was concluded by three people: HE, SHE AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD that settled in them.
  What is PEACE with God!?
  Once, when I was standing in line and approaching the ticket office at
  the railway station, one woman standing next to the ticket office,
  having heard the cashier"s answer about the lack of empty seats on her
  train, began to be loudly indignant to the entire waiting room,
  continuously uttering curses at everything and everyone station
  employees, accusing them of all the sins that they might have
  committed, as well as those to which they had nothing to do. When she
  moved away from the cash register and approached me, I saw a chain
  with a cross on her neck and said to her quietly: "Ask God to help
  you!" "It does not help!" she answered loudly, waving her hand.
  "Do you have peace with God?" I asked her. And here something
  unexpected happened to me, because the woman stopped, looked at me
  carefully and quietly asked: "What is peace with God?"
  At this time, the person standing in front of me moved away from the
  cash register and people from the queue began to loudly say to me:
  "Man, you are holding up the queue! Will you take a ticket or not? If
  not, then move away from the cash register!" I had no time for
  answers, since I had already told the cashier the name of my train,
  which I had to leave on that same day, but the cashier"s answer
  stunned me: "There are no free seats on your train for today." I turn
  to walk away from the cash register, saying to the cashier: "Too bad!"
  And I hear, half-turned from the cash register, the words of the
  cashier: "Citizen, wait! You can take a transfer: by train to
  Rtishchevo station, and there you will change to another train, which
  also goes to your city, and I will reserve a ticket for you for this
  "I agree, thank you," I exclaimed, and the words flashed through my
  mind and thoughts: "Lord, I dreamed about this, to travel by train
  through these places dear to me since childhood and remember all my
  distant past connected with it." . People say: "if there was no
  happiness, but misfortune would help," but now I already know that
  misfortune cannot help, but only God! The woman who asked me had
  already disappeared, but her words sank into my soul: "What is peace
  with God?"
  Years passed and, returning to these words, I found in the Bible the
  answer to how to have peace with God: "Therefore, having been
  justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
  Christ... through whom we have now received reconciliation" (Rom.
  5:1,2,11). We receive reconciliation with God ONLY through Jesus
  Christ and nothing else!
  What kind of faith should we have in Christ? Only with love for Him:
  "faith working through love" (Galatians 5:6) "If you love Me, keep My
  commandments"; "If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My
  love, just as I have kept My Father"s commandments and abide in His
  love" (John 14:15; 15:10); "and whatever we ask, we receive from Him,
  because we keep His commandments and do what is pleasing in His
  sight."; "And whoever keeps His commandments abides in Him, and He in
  him" (1John 3:22,24)
  About intimate relationships according to the Bible. Part 1
  All this is very important, since love and passion largely determine many of a person"s actions in his life. Feelings are all temporary, but love is permanent, both with God and with man. It can never disappear, and many sincerely believing people know this from their own lives.
  Love CANNOT BE CONFUSED with physical attraction between a man and a woman, when they like each other and there is a desire to have physical, bodily intimacy, which is very important for married life and this is laid down by God in every person for the birth of offspring. For this, God gave people genitals at their creation, and after the sin of Adam and Eve, God gave them an attraction to each other, but especially noted the woman: "He said to the woman: I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in pain you will give birth to children; and your attraction will be for your husband, and he will rule over you (Genesis 3:16). However, for living together, for the normal existence of a normal, happy family, not only joint PHYSICAL attraction is necessary, but it is very important to have LOVE, which you must have in themselves BEFORE the marriage.
  If one of the spouses marries (gets married) only on the basis of physical attraction, but without the presence of love, then at the very first betrayal of his wife, the husband may say to himself, so what did I find special in my wife? She is the same ordinary woman. The wife may think and tell herself the same thing. And this is one of the reasons for many divorces of married couples. From the Internet and from our own lives, we know examples of married elderly couples, when the spouses love each other until the end of their lives, although they can no longer have sex. So love can exist without sex."
  I am publishing an important article from the Internet on this topic:
  "Attraction is selfish, love is not. When you are in love, it seems as if you are ready to give everything and more, just to make your lover happy. You don't keep score, you don't try to find out who is right and who is wrong. Don't fight over whose turn it is to do the dishes. Don't try to manipulate to get your way. You're just genuinely happy.
  Love liberates, passion keeps you in suspense. Mutual love allows your true self to manifest itself fully, without fear of evaluation, condemnation, or criticism. The ability of loving partners to accept each other as they are inspires, helps to dream, follow dreams and change their lives.
  Love is forever, attraction passes quite quickly. True love can overcome any obstacles and does not fade away over time.
  Agree, if you were once truly in love, this person and warm memories of him will forever remain in your heart.
  But if people are connected by passion, then after breaking up they are more likely to feel angry, envy or a sense of betrayal, depending on the circumstances. Because passion is always based on selfishness and possessiveness.
  Attraction blinds, love opens your eyes. There are even expressions: "passion clouds the eyes." Those who have experienced this storm of feelings at least once will confirm: you stop noticing everything around you except the object of affection. You literally live and breathe only him alone.
  Love, on the contrary, inspires and makes you notice many things in life. And mostly good things: clear skies, bright sunshine, smiles from passers-by.
  Love is responsible, attraction is not. When you are in love, you value your loved one, worry about their condition and try to protect them from all possible dangers. And therefore you monitor your words and actions very carefully, assessing the consequences. Well, passion has one motive - to possess the beloved undividedly, to spend as much time with him as possible, without particularly taking into account his plans.
  Love is aimed at the future, passion is here and now. People in love feel so good together that they dream of spending their whole lives together. They make plans, discuss details, fantasize and look for new furniture for the shared apartment.
  NOTE G.G.: Love is from God and is born in a person by receiving the Holy Spirit. Passion is a derived feeling FROM the human BODY. The Bible states that love is the Divine state of man, the presence of God by His Spirit in us, the presence of the Holy Spirit in man. "The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us" (1 John 5:5). God has no beginning and no end, and love is infinite and has never had a beginning and will never have an end. There is no love without God. Love is not a feeling, but it evokes in a loving person, unlike passion, many different feelings.
  About intimate relationships according to the Bible. Part 2
  It is impossible to live without love with God and with people in eternity. Many people know that it is difficult to live together without love even for one day. But you can live with someone who doesn"t love you this day, but for this you need to have patience. You can live even 10, 20, 50 years, but it is impossible to live in eternity with God and with people without love.
  We must also understand: can God be with a person in eternity if a person rejects and does not love God. All this gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of the existence of love among people. But what is passion for?
  Passion is born on the basis of the ATTRACTION that God imparted to man after the fall of Adam and Eve, which contributes to the reproduction of a large number of people pleasing to God.
  "Wikipedia: Attraction is a mental state of a person. This is the desire to satisfy an unconscious or weakly conscious need and therefore the primary source of any mental movement and behavior. Sexual desire is a complex of desires and associated experiences, which is based on biological instincts aimed at reproducing life.
  Passion is a strong human feeling that dominates others, characterized by a strong attraction to the object of passion. Objects of passion can be both people and objects or ideas. Most often, the word "passion" is used to denote a high degree of sexual arousal combined with emotional attraction to a partner."
  Passion has nothing to do with love, since love is not a feeling, but is the presence of God's Spirit in a person. The optimal solution for a married couple to have love and passion together. Passion is associated with feelings of upcoming sensations. Love is not a feeling.
  Passion is short-lived, maybe for one night, maybe a little more, but the day will come when one (one) will say, what exactly did I find in her (him), and therefore all relationships between partners end and often develop into hatred, and there will always be reasons for this.
  A good example in the Bible is Amnon's relationship with Famar 2Kings13. My opinion is that Amnon had no love for. There was a passion of intense carnal attraction based on her attractiveness. Love never turns into hatred, but passion very often does. And therefore Amnon had no love for Famar. There was a passion of strong carnal attraction based on her attractiveness, as well as a warming up in the thoughts of the imagination of sexual possession of her body, which later turned into hatred.
  Here are some more very interesting verses from the Bible (Genesis, chapters 39-40-41), which tells about the passion of a woman, the wife of a courtier, for her husband"s servant Joseph, who was "handsome in stature and handsome in face," when this woman, MADNESS with passion for Joseph commits meanness for the death of Joseph because of his disagreement to enter into sexual relations with her. So passion can become the source and reason for a person to commit meanness.
  What forbidden fruit did Eve eat in Paradise and what does a bitten apple mean?
  Apparently, the Lord did not specifically name the fruit of the tree, since it does not have much meaning. However, many people, without knowing the Bible, believe that apples grew on the tree. The tree was intended mainly for salvation, but before salvation it was also intended to remind the first people of the danger of disobeying God, the danger of not believing His Words, since this would bring death to them.
  The tree was a sign that they always saw in paradise, warning about the death of refusing to obey God (Genesis 2:16,17): "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou shalt eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat, for in the day that thou eatest of it thou shalt die."
  Salvation lay in the fact that the tree, through its fruit, gave (for people who followed after committing a sin) the opportunity to make the right choice between good and evil, and for those who wanted to do good to become with God. This made it possible to identify His future Children (believers) for God, as well as to weed out those who would commit evil (evil) that is displeasing to God.
  As soon as people, after their creation, committed a sin (did not believe God), the knowledge of good and evil would immediately be inherent in their essence. In addition, after committing the first sin, Adam and Eve also received a conscience, but this was already a consequence of their fall and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil had nothing to do with it.
  So: "Let us hear the essence of everything: fear God and keep His commandments, for this is all for man" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. Sometimes you can see a bitten apple on a computer or other company product.
  Some people claim that this is a symbol of knowledge. However, believers know that the tree gave only the knowledge of good and evil and did not give any other knowledge, and therefore a bitten apple is a SYMBOL ONLY OF SIN.
  Happiness, what is this?!
  "The horrors rushed towards me; My greatness was scattered like the wind, and my happiness was carried away like a cloud" (Job 30:15).
  Yes, happiness is not permanent for everyone. Adam and Eve, during the Fall, lost their happiness of being with God in Paradise, in which they lived happily. But here's an interesting question: did they know about it, that their life was happy during that period? Of course not, because they didn"t know what happiness was then. It turns out that in order to understand that such happiness one must experience the misfortune that they soon experienced after committing a sin.
  For a normal, healthy person, the presence of air in which he is always located does not bring happiness from this person until a disease of his lungs, heart or something else arises. But when a person begins to choke from lack of air in the body, a breath of clean air makes him happy and joyful. Happiness is what we lack and we receive it, recognizing its absence as unsatisfactory or even dangerous for us.
  In eternity with God there will be no unhappy people, and they, unlike Adam and Eve, will already know what misfortunes are from their past life. They will feel the joy of their salvation and eternal presence with God and will receive complete happiness.
  Joy is the sister of happiness. They are always together, where there is joy, there is happiness. Changes will occur through the perfection of spirit, soul and body in people. Their needs will change, which will be satisfied in the process of their creativity, which will lead to new joys and happiness in their lives.
  The entire infinity of people"s existence with God will become the infinity of their finding happiness. Real, complete happiness can only be with God in His eternity, in contrast to the short-term happiness of people on earth, when they know that at the end of their lives they must find death, and during life they find sorrows and misfortunes, illnesses, betrayals and much more, including worries about your children and loved ones.
  While living on earth, people understand happiness in different ways, here are two examples.
  1) Two people decided to gain their wealth by dishonest means, and to do this they robbed a bank and killed one of the guards and wounded the other. After that, hiding from persecution, they arrived at their hideout, where, sitting at a table with a bottle of wine and a snack, while talking about what had happened, they were overcome by the joy and joy of a successful robbery. "Well, our luck has befallen us!" says one to the other. "Yes (says another), we are still happy!" The fact that they killed a man who quite possibly still had a wife and small children - all this turned out to be insignificant for them compared to the bag of money lying next to them.
  2) Here's another example. Once, I casually asked an acquaintance: "What is happiness for you?" His answer was simple, without any philosophy: "Happiness is when I go home after work, where my children and wife are waiting for me, who love me and are always ready to share with me my failures, grief and joy in life." The understanding of happiness in these two examples turned out to be different. What do you think, reader, what is happiness for us in our life on earth?
  Once, I was asked the following question: is it possible for a lonely person to be happy? My answer was: "It"s possible, but only under one condition: you must have love for people, have God in you. God is love and he who is in love has DIVINE in himself, has a particle of God in himself, and this makes us happy. Happiness is real only when we share it with other people, but special joy always comes to a person when he makes a loved one happy!"
  The meaning of people's lives. Short article
  According to the philosophy of human life, the meaning of life is a philosophical and spiritual problem related to knowledge of the ultimate purpose of existence, its PURPOSE as a biological species, as well as as an individual, one of the basic ideological concepts that is of great importance for the formation of the spiritual and moral image of an individual. In this case, it is implied the need to understand what is the purpose of life, that is, why does a person need to live?
  Meaning is associated with purpose, and is a consequence of an external cause - a phenomenon that is primary and intentional. So, before a person begins to do something, he determines the meaning of it in his head. When a person in his practice encounters some phenomena and objects through perception and sensations, then with his mind he comprehends the meaning of their existence, although this meaning was not determined by him.
  Is it possible for a person to know why he lives on Earth? When an artist or designer just starts working on his future creation, he first makes sketches and draws up a general drawing. And to a stranger who sees this, much will be unclear: what it will be and what it is for. That is, creation is always secondary and determined by the CREATOR.
  Why we live on Earth, only the one who created us knows, only God knows. And we can only get an answer to our question from God. The Bible is a book from God. In the Bible, the Apostle James, addressing the first Christians in Israel, speaks of their future on earth and in eternity, this is the meaning of people"s lives. "When God desired begot us by the word of truth, that we might be some firstfruits of His creatures" (James 1:18).
  The meaning of people's lives on earth: to find KINSHIP with God, which gives them a joint existence with God in eternity to fulfill the plans of God, which in their life, being on earth, cannot be understood. But eternal life is only a consequence of this relationship. Kinship with God is achieved by the communion of the Holy Spirit, which every person can receive through faith and love for the Son of God Jesus Christ. One must not confuse the meaning of a person"s life, that is, why he should live, with how he should live: love children, do good to people and benefit them in his work and in his creativity for them, and much more.
  The meaning of life cannot be for those people who do not have a future (eternal life). Non-believing people do not have the meaning of life and cannot explain it. The meaning of people's lives is connected only with the presence of a FUTURE for them. There cannot be a meaning to life for people whose life is a short time on earth and their life is aimed at the conditions of their existence, survival, although at the same time they demonstrate creativity in technology, art, science, in understanding the world and after all this die.
  If people's lives are meaningless, that is, stupid, then why do they need to live on earth? Is it good to continue a stupid life? Reasoning, we come to the conclusion that life without God has no meaning. It is meaningless, that is, stupid and inappropriate. Only believers have the meaning of life and realize this meaning in their lives on earth and in eternity. But on earth this is just the beginning. The purpose of people's lives on earth: gaining faith and love for God and love for each other. The purpose of life in eternity will be revealed to people after their resurrection.
  My short confession from the past
  Approaching the end of my life, I realize with all my being that I lived and live in a completely different world, that there is another world for which I am destined. It was as if I got off the train at a different station to which someone gave me a ticket, and for some reason I made a mistake. Where I should be everything is real, but here everything is temporary, everything flew by like a dream. Why was I wrong and who is to blame? Is it possible to correct my mistake and get a ticket to my station? It turned out that this became impossible for me, since the ticket was given to me by the One Whom I don"t remember and don"t know how to find Him. He gave me a ticket to the city of love and happiness, but I made a mistake, being on the train of my life and, forgetting and confusing everything, got off at another station, ending up in a city alien to me.
  Then I began to think about my life, about the meaning of life. I realized that it cannot be that in the infinity of everything, only man and his mind exist, as the pinnacle of everything rational. And if this is so, then can we think that there cannot be a more majestic mind than the human one, and that this mind can create everything that the human mind is not only capable of creating, but is even inaccessible to understanding? And this mind may be beyond the bounds of our infinite universe, the infinity of which a person determines only by his own parameters accessible to him.
  If you are an unbeliever and read my book, then in it you will not find evidence of the existence of God. Believers do not engage in any scientific search for evidence of the existence of God, although they have evidence in their personal lives. We need to understand this simple truth. Truth is not something that only you have come to know. If a person has not known something, for example a newborn child, this does not mean that there is no truth outside his world. One can come to the knowledge of God only through the heart, but not through the mind, although faith in God cannot be considered unreasonable, just like any faith, because every faith begins with some really existing starting points.
   There is no contradiction here, it"s just not available to everyone yet. The path to God for a person lies through love for people. I used to think that I could find the main truth in a person"s life through knowledge, through reading the books of great writers. I"ll open this book and find the truth. Even reading the Bible did not give me anything I did not understand the truth, because it was not revealed to me. ONLY those who need Him become with God. As believers told me later, when I complained that I became a believer late: EVERYTHING HAS ITS TIME!!! May God grant that this time comes sooner for you!
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