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  • © Copyright Типа Ник
  • Размещен: 28/12/2005, изменен: 21/05/2009. 0k. Статистика.
  • Глава: Проза
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    00:28 Уралов А. "Мясо "из пробирки"" (668/10)
    22:51 Уралов А., Рыжко "Псы Господни (Domini Canes)" (556/2)
    22:30 Чернов К.Н. "Армия, флот, вооружение (Записки)" (396/14)
    20:45 Цодикова А. "35 лет в Америке" (1)

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    25/11 "Форум: Литературные объявления" (666)
    25/11 "О блокировании "Самиздата"" (294)
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    01:37 Давыдов С.А. "Флудилка Универсальная" (597/11)
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    01:28 Виноградов П. "Пишу рецензии. Не очень дёшево, " (291/67)
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    00:55 Козлов И.В. "Принимаются стихотворения " (96/8)
    00:54 Ковалевская А. "Драконалёт "Архитектура осени"" (502/4)
    00:40 Берг D.Н. "Мы из Кронштадта, подотдел " (628/3)
    00:32 Софинская О.А. "Переводчик" (2/1)
    00:29 Стадлер Н.В. "Сп-24 Обзор финалистов номинации " (12/11)
    00:28 Уралов А. "Мясо "из пробирки"" (668/10)
    00:28 Кротов С.В. "Чаганов: Война. Часть 4" (316/35)
    00:12 Баламут П. "Ша39 Бронетанковая" (449/22)
    00:11 Трушников В.В. "Блицкриг: Миф или реальность? " (83/2)
    00:06 Стоптанные К. "Форум журнала "Горизонт"" (39/1)
    23:57 Буревой А. "Чего бы почитать?" (883/3)
    23:47 Кулаков А.И. "Государь" (357/1)
    23:38 Бояндин К.Ю. "Генеративная музыка. Suno, " (55/6)
    23:36 Ф.Киркоров "Ад-8(2): Межсезонье, бессонница" (8/3)
    23:21 Березина Е.Л. "Гёдель в шоке" (2/1)

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    ПОСЛЕДНИЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ: (7day) (30day) (Рассылка)
    28/11 Иевлев Г.В. "В плену горячей звезды"
    28/11 Низовцев Ю.М. "О необходимости присутствия "
    26/11 Джонстон П. "Список смерти"
    26/11 Ледовский В.А. "Силы разные..."
    26/11 Кротков А.П. "Маски-шоу Павла Воткова"
    6. Типа Ник (translits@mail.ru) 2006/05/18 14:11 [ответить]
      > > 5.толиК:)
      >Но я так понял, что это старый вариант куска из Динамы. Он уже переделатый? Тогда я не буду тут ничего читать. Но тоды объясни, с какой целью оно тут лежит.
      ага, не надо читать.
      ну, лежит вот. там к нему комменты от реального героя, жалко убирать. вдруг для истории пригодится :))) забавно
    5. толиК:) (ukrtolik@list.ru) 2006/05/10 14:47 [ответить]
      > перетащила и эту фотографию на свой рабочий стол
      "на свой" не обязательно. И так ясно, что не на чужой.
      > Пиксель: единица измерения цифровых фото. Кроме пикселей в Интернете можно встретить людей в джи пегах. И это интересней, потому что тогда они двигаются.
      Пиксель - одна точка цифрового изображение (PICture ELement), А джипеги не двигаются - анимация этим форматом не предусмотрена. Двигаются GIF-ы (graphics interchange format).
      Но я так понял, что это старый вариант куска из Динамы. Он уже переделатый? Тогда я не буду тут ничего читать. Но тоды объясни, с какой целью оно тут лежит.
    4. Эттери Валя (radau@mail.ru) 2006/01/17 13:08 [ответить]
      > > 3.FianaAccuser
      >I see. Now is makes so much sense. The accused scammer must write the book. So she bases it on fact and fiction. She is here for guidance and direction because she is weak in her writing abilities. Do you think she will pay those she got money from after she sells this story of content from her accomplishments in trickery? I remember this same person stating how much she was against exploitation of another human being. It must be just another lie. It is not uncommon for the criminal to sell their story. It is done here in my country often. Thank you for your reply!
      все проще. она здесь, чтобы писать. обычай, знаете такой, у пишущих -желать, чтоб читали. при чем здесь эксплуатация? ни разу не слышала: "Меня вчера всю ночь эксплуатировал Пушкин! Замечательно эксплуатирует, знаете". По поводу лжи. Это смешно, наконец. Мы оба знаем правду. И оба в курсе, кто из нас врет :)
      поэтому, отвяжитесь
    3. FianaAccuser (fianaaccuser@hotmail.com) 2006/01/13 20:47 [ответить]
      I see. Now is makes so much sense. The accused scammer must write the book. So she bases it on fact and fiction. She is here for guidance and direction because she is weak in her writing abilities. Do you think she will pay those she got money from after she sells this story of content from her accomplishments in trickery? I remember this same person stating how much she was against exploitation of another human being. It must be just another lie. It is not uncommon for the criminal to sell their story. It is done here in my country often. Thank you for your reply!
    2. *Эттери Валя (radau@mail.ru) 2006/01/13 01:41 [ответить]
      вау! не успела родиться, уже кому-то руки выкрутила!
      к сожалению, это не детективный сайт. литературный. но спасибо за такой огромный коммент!
    1. The Accuser (fianaaccuser@hotmail.com) 2006/01/11 23:05 [ответить]
      I am pleased to see this article and find the person that I accused of Scamming is pleading her case. It is important to me to expose her so that other men will not be used as she used me.
      First, I have to apologize for my inability to speak Russian and that the story she has written was translated by a program. Telling you this I would like to say that I am not 100 % sure this article is the same girl but I know that Fiana is one of the names she used with her personals photos. I also know her as Svetlana, Dusya, Nifeta, and Dasha. So with that being said I am here open and honest to answer all questions about this Scammer that I accused. I am here with evidence and commitment to bring her to justice or see her pay me restitution for the money she got me to send to her.
      My case in argument is this girl used the internet to convince me she was in love with me. I fell in love with her through her writing ability to make me believe everything she told me as truth. I later found out that she was lying to me. I ask you, in any relationship is it acceptable to lie? We communicated with Telephone, Email, and ICQ chat. What is the lie you must ask? She told me that she was researching internet love because she was writing a book about it. So it was necessary for her to create internet ads in order to do her research. I did not feel comfortable about this because I felt it was false representation to create ads in the internet for a false reason. She then told me that she would tell her responses that she was doing research and had no interest in finding marriage.
      On her birthday I had sent her two packages one was her daughter's gift and the other was some small items for her and her family. I had not sent her a gift yet because it was on order. She told me that 3 packages had arrived and some flowers. She told me that the flowers were from a man from Las Vegas. I was very upset about this. We argued and didn't talk for a month. I used this time to write her a 10 page letter outlining her deceptions. I also thought a lot about her and how much I loved her. I thought if I could find truth from her I could really love her and make the trip to Moscow. I also used the time to find her internet ads. I wanted her to read the letter and tell me the truth that is all. If she had been honest with me I could have accepted her situation as being lonely while waiting for me to come to Moscow. I could have forgiven her too.
      When we finally started talking again the first thing she told me was that she no longer had any active ads in the internet. She even told me that her research was finished and that she had all the information she needed to finish her book. So I was pleased and wanted to tell her my big surprise that I was coming to Moscow. But I didn't because during the time we spent without talking I came upon her ad in Elena's Models. She was making regular visits to the site to collect her email and make communication. I know this because Elena's Models has these features that will tell you of these regular trips. They also allow you to chat with perspective mates. She is no longer on Elena's Models because she is being investigated. http://www.elenasmodels.com Her profile number is #237869.
      So here I was chatting on ICQ with the woman I was in love with. The woman I was coming to Moscow for to ask her to marry me. This big surprise that I wanted to be so perfect was shattered by her deception and her lies. She was chatting with me on ICQ and at the same time at Elena's Models chatting too! She told me that she had to take her daughter to school (it was Sunday) and couldn't chat with me because she had to leave for school. So I exposed her. I proved to her she was lying to me because I couldn't take her lies any longer. She had used deception and jealousy to manipulate me to send her money and gifts. I just want her to pay me back the money she tricked me into sending her. I paid her rent twice for 500.00 USD and sent her 168 Euro for her Mom who she said was ill and needed medical attention. I also sent her gifts and plane fare (950 USD) to Spain but that was at a time when I knew it was risky to send it in the first place.
      Later there was the new ad. It is at https://www.interbrides.com/default.aspx. Interbrides is the site and she has a new name and the real shocking part is she is using the photo I took of her in Spain! Is this just a trophy photo? One that she used to show how cunning she is? She was a new character with a new name and a photo I took of her myself! She was seeking her next line of lonely men to trick. Her profile number there was #P001838. So why is poor Fiana is here trying to convince anyone who will listen to her plight with the investigators? It is because she is embarrassed by her exposure of being labeled as a scammer for her crimes. She lied, she will not pay me back, and she is seeking the sympathy of anyone for help.
      I believe that when she realized I could not send her more money (because of personal and financial reasons) she decided I was of no use to her. Please do not confuse the facts with Fiana's or Dusya's claims of false accusations. She has real evidence too. Why does she not show it here to all who ask? Why just keep crying Crimes against me? I have tried many times to get her to make restitution and she has never responded to me. I only want her to return the money 1000 USD and 168 EURO. I do not want to put her in jail. I have still have feelings for her daughter as I have told her this.
      If you are all true detectives and you seek the truth. I will show you the first of my proof! Just Email me and publish your non-biased opinion in Russian!

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