Добавить коммент: Feeding The Universe, Quantum Scaling And Stable Neutrinos

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  • © Copyright Новиков Евгений Алексеевич
  • Размещен: 16/08/2017, изменен: 30/08/2017. 14k. Статистика.
  • Аннотация:
    Based on the quantum modification of the general relativity (Qmoger), it is shown, that the Vacuum is continuously feeding the universe with ultralight particles (vacumo). Vacumos are transforming into more heavy (but still ultralight) gravitons, which form quantum condensate even for high temperature. The condensate, under gravitational pressure in galaxies, produces and expels from the hot places the first generation of "ordinary" massive fermions, which are identified with neutrinos. It explains the stability of all three neutrinos (a puzzle in the Standard Model). The mass of neutrino, estimated in terms of a new scaling in Qmoger, satisfies the experimental bound. The oscillations of neutrino are explained in terms of interaction with the background condensate of gravitons. The electric dipole moment of neutrino is also estimated. The situation with neutrinos is an example of interface between dark and ordinary matter (Idom), introduced before in explanation of the phenomena of subjectivity.

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