Добавить коммент: Innovative high powerful nuclear electric liquid chemical rocket engine on a pair of fuels liquid bromine, liquid potassium-sodium alloy for a flight to Mars, and the problems of physics and the history of science, wich did not allow to solve the problem of creating such an engine earlier(for Iepc 2022 Boston)

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  • © Copyright Калинин Георгий Викторович
  • Размещен: 01/03/2022, изменен: 02/03/2022. 195k. Статистика.
  • Аннотация:
    This scientific article is a retaliatory blow "headwork"/ "drop-hummer" of the entire rocket science against the criminal regarding the US legislation / the US Constitution and the Nuremberg Trials of Joe Biden - who is not the US president and not the elected US president - but appointed by the European Union because of the US withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty - why now an organized war in Ukraine and Ukrainians are dying just so that the European Union can completely ""Trojan horse Open Skies Treaty of pseudo-negotiation war in Ukraine as his EU Crimea/Lugansk/Donetsk regionalization program "Community Charter for Regionalization 1988"& "Па́ртiя регiо́нiв"" destroy the United States.

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